Tamil Nadu - Justice Party
The Justice Party, officially
known as South Indian Liberal Federation (S. I. L. F.),
was the political wing of Then Nala Urimai Sangam (literal translation:
The South Indian Welfare Association). The Justice Party derived its name
from an English-language daily of that time, named Justice.
The Justice Party was
established in 1917 as the South Indian Liberal federation
by Sir P. Theagaroya Chetty and Dr. T. M. Nair
as a result of a series of non-Brahmin conferences and
meetings in the Madras Presidency. The formation of the
SILF or the Justice Party marked the culmination of a series of failed
efforts to establish an organisation representing the non-Brahmins of
the Presidency. The early political work of the party involved petitioning
the imperial administrative bodies and British politicians demanding more
representation for non-Brahmins in administration and in the government.
In 1920, elections were held in the Madras
Presidency as per the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms. The
Justice party contested the elections and was elected to power. The party
ruled the province for six years before giving way to the independent
ministry of P. Subbarayan in 1926. The Justice Party,
however, recaptured power in the Presidency in the 1930 elections and
ruled till 1937 when it lost to the Indian National Congress.
It never recovered from the defeat and was eventually withdrawn from politics
in 1944 by its then President E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker.
A rebel faction called itself the Justice Party and survived till 1957
when it was eventually disbanded due to poor performance.
The Justice Party's period in power is
remembered for the introduction of caste-based affirmative action
and also for the educational and religious reforms it introduced. The
Justice Party under E. V. Ramasami spearheaded the anti-Hindi agitations
of 1937 and allied with Mohammad Ali Jinnah in its demand
for separation from the Indian union.
A dyarchy was created
in Madras Presidency in the year 1920 as per the Montagu-Chelmsford
reforms and provisions were made for elections in the Presidency.
In the first elections held in November 1920, the Justice Party was elected
to power. A. Subbarayalu Reddiar became the first Chief
Minister of Madras Presidency. However, he resigned soon after a short
period due to declining health and was replaced with Sir P. Ramarayaningar,
the Minister of Local Self-Government and Public Health. The party split
in late 1923 when C. R. Reddy resigned from primary membership and formed
a splinter group which allied with Swarajists who were in opposition.
A no-confidence motion was passed against Ramarayaningar's government
on November 27, 1923, which was however defeated 65-44. Ramarayaningar,
popularly known as the Raja of Panagal, remained in power till November
1926. The passing of the First communal Government Order (G.O. No.613)
which introduced reservations to government jobs, in August 1921, remains
one of the highpoints of his rule. In the next elections held in 1926,
the Justice Party lost. However, as no party was able to attain clear
majority, the Governor set up an independent government unde rthe leadership
of P. Subbarayan and nominated members to support it.
Soon after the demise of the Raja of Panagal,
the Justice Party broke into two factions: the Constitutionalists and
the Ministerialists. The Ministerialists were led by N. G. Ranga and were
in favor of allowing Brahmins to join the Party. In 1930, the Justice
Party was victorious and P. Munuswamy Naidu became the
Chief Minister. However, the exclusion of Zamindars from the Ministry
split the Justice Party once again. Fearing a no-confidence motion against
him, Munuswamy Naidu resigned in November 1932 and the Raja of Bobbili
was appointed Chief Minister. The Justice Party eventually lost in the
1937 elections to the Indian National Congress and Chakravarti
Rajagopalachari became Chief Minister of Madras Presidency.
During the 1920s and 1930s, the Anti-Brahmin
movement evolved in the Madras Presidency. This movement was launched
by a Congressman E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker, who, unhappy with the principles
and policies of the Brahmin leadership of the provincial Congress, moved
to the Justice Party in 1925. E. V. R., or Periyar, as he was affectionately
called, launched venomous attacks on Brahmins, Hinduism and Hindu superstitions
in periodicals and newspapers such as Viduthalai and Justice. He also
participated in the Vaikom Satyagraha which campaigned
for the rights of untouchables in Travancore to enter temples.