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Tamilnadu - Fine arts - Music - List of Music Styles - List of music styles L

List of music styles L

* La la - Louisianan Creole music
* Laba laba
* Laïkó
* Lai
* Lam
* Lam saravane - Laotian ensemble music from a town of the same name in southern Laos
* Lam sing
* Lambada - Bolivian and Brazilian dance music which arose from sayas and became internationally popular in the 1980s
* Lancer
* Langgam jawa - type of kroncong mixed with gamelan, popular around Solo, Indonesia
* Latin American music
* Laremuna wadauman
* Latin jazz - jazz mixed with Latin musical forms like bossa nova or salsa
* Lavlu
* Lavway
* Lakaluuk


* Le leagan
* Legényes - Hungarian-Transylvanian men's dance
* Letkajenkka
* Lhamo - form of Tibetan opera
* Lieder
* Likanos
* Light Music - 20th Century light orchestral music (mainly British)
* Light Rock
* Liquindi
* Llanera - Venezuelan music
* Llanto - a flamenco-influenced genre of Panamanian folk music
* Lo-fi music
* Loki djili - traditional Hungarian Gypsy songs
* Long-song - traditional Mongolian slow songs
* Louisiana blues
* Lounge music
* Lovers rock
* Lowercase - see Lowercase (music)


* Lu - unaccompanied Tibetan folk music
* Lubbock country music
* Lucknavi thumri - a type of thumri from Lucknow
* Luhya omutibo
* Luk grung - Popular Thai music from the early 20th century
* Lullaby
* Lundu
* Lundum

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Indian classical music is categorized under two genres. They are Hindustani and Carnatic. Broadly Hindustani developed in the northern regions of the country
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