Tamilnadu - Places in Tamilnadu - Kanyakumari - Places in Kanyakumari

Places in Kanyakumari

Kumariamman Temple

Kumariamman Temple The legend of this temple is as romantic as the place itself. Dedicated to the virgin goddess Kanniyakumari, Parvati who stands guard over the country, the temple is built at the spot where the goddess is believed to have waited for her consort Lord Shiva to come and claim her hand in marriage. At one time the shifting sands at the shores of Kanniyakumari were believed to be multi-hued as a result of the coloured rice that was sprinkled by the approving gods over the couple at their wedding. Equally fascinating is the story about the diamond nose stud worn by the goddess believed to hae led many a ship to be shipwrecked onthe treacherous rocks near the shore. So bright was the threat of the reflected light from the nose-stud to the unsuspecting ships that the door on the side facing the sea had to be closed for ensuring the safety of the ocean liners.

Vivekanandar Rock

Vivekananda Memorial was built on the Vivekananda Rock where the charismatic and philosopher Swami Vivekananda meditated and transformed himself. The unique, structure was built in 1970 and is a blend of various architectural styles of India.

Close to the Vivekananda Rock is another rock called Sripada Parai meaning the rock that has been blessed by the touch of the feet of the goddess.

Both these rocks are fine places to have a view of the land's end of India. Poompuhar Shipping Corporation operates frequent ferry services from the shore to the rock memorial at regular intervals.


The Thiruvalluvar Statue Thiruvalluvar, is the author of Thirukkural . Tamils take cognizance of the birth of Thiruvalluvar as a basis of the calendar. Now we are in the 2036 of the Thiruvalluvar Aandu.

Thirukkural is regarded as a renowned work, eulogised as a directory of the code of conduct and ethics to humanity. Through his 1330 couplets, the revered poet not only deals with the general administration, but also codified and gave clear-cut directions to mankind on how they should behave and act in a social, political, religious and family circles.

The work of Thiruvalluvar has been translated into more than 60 languages worldwide. The magnificent 133-foot height statue denoting the chapters in Thirukkural has been opened for tourists visit in the middle of the sea on 1.1.2000 in Kanniyakumari.

Gandhi Memorial

The Gandhi Mandapam has been constructed at the spot where theashes of Mahatma Gandhi were kept in an urn for public view before a portion of it was immersed into the confluence of the three seas, in 1948. Every year on Gandhiji's birthday 2nd October, the sun's rays fall at the exact spot where the urn was displayed before immersion. Mahatma Gandhi visited Kanniyakumari twice, in 1925 and 1937. In commermoration of this event, a beauthiful monument has been constructed here its central shape is 79 feet high representing the age of Mahatma.
Visiting hours: 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.

Kamaraj Memorial

Kamaraj Memorial at Kanniyakumari : Regarded as the "King Marker of India", Kamaraj influenced many a political event in the country. From a humble background he rose to become the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu through sheer hard work and political acumen. As a tribute to the freedom fighter and "Perunthalaivar" (meaning great leader) this memorial was constructed where his ashes were kept for public to pay homage before immersion into the sea. Visiting Hours : 07.00A.M to 07.00 P.M. Entrance free.


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